- EVStore: Storage and Caching Capabilities for Scaling Embedding Tables in Deep Recommendation Systems ASPLOS'23
- GRACE: A Scalable Graph-Based Approach To Accelerating Recommendation Model Inference ASPLOS'23
- AdaEmbed: Adaptive Embedding for Large-Scale Recommendation Models
- FlexShard: Flexible Sharding for Industry-Scale Sequence Recommendation Models
- RecD: Deduplication for End-to-End Deep Learning Recommendation Model Training Infrastructure arxiv
- Ekko: A Large-Scale Deep Learning Recommender System with Low-Latency Model Update OSDI'22
- PICASSO: Unleashing the Potential of GPU-centric Training for Wide-and-deep Recommender Systems arxiv
- HET: Scaling out Huge Embedding Model Training via Cache-enabled Distributed Framework VLDB'22
- HET-GMP: a graph-based system approach to scaling large embedding model training SIGMOD'22
- Fleche: an efficient GPU embedding cache for personalized recommendations
- RecShard: statistical feature-based memory optimization for industry-scale neural recommendation ASPLOS'22
- BagPipe: Accelerating Deep Recommendation Model Training arxiv
- Accelerating recommendation system training by leveraging popular choices VLDB'21
- SPACE: Locality-Aware Processing in Heterogeneous Memory for Personalized Recommendations ISCA'21
- Software-Hardware Co-design for Fast and Scalable Training of Deep Learning Recommendation Models arxiv ISCA'22
- RecPipe: Co-designing Models and Hardware to Jointly Optimize Recommendation Quality and Performance MICRO'21
- Kraken: Memory-Efficient Continual Learning for Large-Scale Real-Time Recommendations SC'20
- Distributed Hierarchical GPU Parameter Server for Massive Scale Deep Learning Ads Systems MLSys'20
- DeepRecSys: A System for Optimizing End-To-End At-Scale Neural Recommendation Inference ISCA'20