(Excuse my unreadable English, but I do not wanna my site to be shut down the next day for a sensitive word filter in Chinese

About QVOD

It took risk to make money. Now, it is time for it to pay its bills. Now that it benefitted from 18x videos which are forbidden by Chinese law, it is certainly to be punished one day.

Nevertheless, as a veteran who has been using P2P to seek for some unsuitable videos for years, I am surely unhappy about this. Though I do not use QVOD often, it is a simple way for those who are unfamiliar to computers to find videos that are illegal. It is a good software from the view of tech, after all.


Actually speaking, I do not think that we have to obey the laws that we do not find reasonable, including the ban of ML movies in the PRC. ML is the natural and basic demand of every normal person. What if one cannot find another to have a sex? Rape or go to a brothel? Unfortunately, these two are also forbidden in the PRC more strictly.

How can the CP, core of the Gov., deal with millions of single youngsters who are sexual active? It is true that people in China are always unwillingly to talk about sex, while behaving wild privately. This is not the reason why we can forbid such movies at all.

Further more, who decides what can be written into the laws? In my opinion, the laws does not reflect the desire of most people. Maybe, the PRC is not a country of the people. Those who make laws doesn’t care about this problem because they do not need them. The have their misses, perhaps. Nobody wants to make a change because it has no profit.

Of course, those are unsuitable for teens if they get addicted. However, a simple and total ban is not the correct solution.

In the end, I do not want to say how bad the system is. Instead, the laws and the rules need improving.

Something more

As is known, there is a wall. Why is there a wall? A simple answer can be, there are billions of legal sex movies on servers abroad, which are illegal in our yard. That comes to the question that does the web belong to any country? Is the announcement by Mr.Xi reasonable?

The wall is not claimed by the gov. up to now. Is it because there are still arguments.

The Chinese are willingly to build walls. Thousands years ago, Qin Shihuang built a great wall against enermies from the north. Nowadays, the PRC has built a wall against binary code abroad which they do not wanna us to know. As the history has proved, blocking can never be the final sollution. If you do not dredge it, the dam is sure to break up one day.


Maybe this article is also illegal? Please let me know if there really exists someone called network police, for I have never seen any. And I really don’t mind being put into prison or heaven for what I’ve said.